Residential room packages (7 days and monthly):
We have comprehensive long-term packages for patients who have been referred to long term treatments/rehabilitation programs.
The monthly packages include room charges, food, linen, nursing care, residential Docter care and administrative charges other than professional charges (consultant specialists, anesthesiologist, physiotherapist, etc) , diagnostics and investigation charges.
Psychiatric Residential treatment packages (includes professional fees)
– Treatments for substance misuse (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc)
-Treatments for Other Psychiatric disorders
Psychiatric Residential treatment packages are offered with specialist consultant psychiatrists and or by team of specialists in their respective areas.
The patients are provided preliminary information through our reception staff, and you will be connected to the medical officer in duty to assess the patient’s present situation who shall then recommend to the appropriate packages and specialists on duty that day. If required, the medical officer will coordinate further with the specialist consultant if and when required to prepare the patient and the treatments before the admission process.
Packages does not include investigations and drugs and certain specialized procedures and or optional treatments and referred professionals.